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Institut de Développement du Thérapeute
Contemporary Relational Gestalt Therapy — Advanced training

Florence BELASCO

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Co-founder of IDeT

Psychotherapist and clinical psychologist, she has been a Gestalt-therapist for twenty years. She is a certified supervisor by the EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy) and trainer in several institutes.

Throughout her career, she has been interested in non-verbal and somatic aspects of Body Psychotherapy and has practiced several therapeutic approaches: Art Therapy, Systemic and Emotion Focused Couple Therapy (Emotion Focused Therapy) as well as EMDR. She has thus developed a resolutely integrative and relational posture of which Gestalt Therapy is the heart.

She is a member of the Research Committee of the EAGT (European Association for Gestalt Therapy), holder of the CEP (European Certificate of Psychotherapy), member of the SPR (Society for Psychotherapy Research) and of the SEPI (Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration).
She was one of the leaders of the French organizing committee of the international symposium on Gestalt Therapy Research in Paris in 2017.

With Vincent Béja she directed the dossier on Gestalt therapy in the Journal des psychologues of July-August 2018 as well as lthe book "Recherche" of the SFG and the CEG-t published in July 2018.

Recent Publications

Béja, V., Belasco, F., 2020. La fabrique du thérapeute. Parcours croisés, questions traversées en Gestalt-thérapie. La Revue Gestalt n° 54

Béja, V., Belasco, F., 2019. L’attente secrète - Une boussole relationnelle dans une perspective de champ. Cahiers de Gestalt-thérapie, 43(1),

Béja V., Belasco F. (Editors), 2018, La Gestalt: actualités thérapeutiques (Dossier), Le Journal des psychologues n° 359, Juillet-Août 2018

Béja, V. & Belasco, F. (2018). Le renouveau de la gestalt-thérapie: La relation au cœur de la thérapie. Le Journal des psychologues, 359,(7), 10-10. doi:10.3917/jdp.359.0010.

Béja, V., Belasco, F. & Rigaud, L. (2018). La recherche en gestalt-thérapie. Le Journal des psychologues, 359,(7), 18-23. doi:10.3917/jdp.359.0018.

Francesetti, G. & Belasco, F. (2018). Perspective de la gestalt-thérapie sur la psychopathologie: Clinique des attaques de panique. Le Journal des psychologues, 359,(7), 52-57. doi:10.3917/jdp.359.0052.

Béja V., Belasco F. (Editors), 2018, La Recherche, Numéro spécial de la revue Gestalt et des Cahiers de Gestalt-thérapie, Ed. SFG (Société française de Gestalt-thérapie) & CEG-t (Collège européen de Gestalt-thérapie)

Belasco, F. (2017). Entretien avec Robert Elliott: Pour une recherche utile au thérapeute. Gestalt, 50,(1), 181-193.
A researcher and therapist, Robert Elliott is world-renowned for his work on change processes in psychotherapy and the development of methodologies adapted to humanistic and experiential therapies. Interviewed by Florence Belasco, he gives us his view of the world of research in psychotherapy. The questions raised relate to the links between research and clinical research, and the interest for the psychotherapist or gestalt-therapist in such research both in terms of practice and politics.

Belasco, F. & Castonguay, L. (2017). Recherche en psychothérapie et mouvement intégratif. Le Journal des psychologues, 352,(10), 40-44. doi:10.3917/jdp.352.0040.
Research on psychotherapies has become a topical issue for all therapeutic modalities. By questioning practices on the evaluation of their results, it also stimulates reflection on the processes implemented in psychotherapy, the factors common to the different approaches and their singularities. Louis G. Castonguay gives us his view of the movement...

Béja, V., Belasco, F. & Rigaud, L. (2016). La recherche en Gestalt-thérapie : Situation et perspectives. Gestalt, 48-49,(1), 263-277.
The article describes the entry of Gestalt therapy into research on psychotherapy, allowing it to take its place in current debates. This research is evolving towards taking better account of the complexity of therapeutic work, by revaluing qualitative work and studying more finely the modalities of adjustment of the therapist to the characteristics of the client and the evolution of the relationship. The article presents current research and the relevance of gestalt practitioners’ contributions to psychotherapy research.

2017-2025 Institut de Développement du Thérapeute
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