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Associate Trainer
Conducting the Master Class "Practice in the Light of Field Theory"
Malcolm Parlett has worked extensively on the development of Gestalt Therapy in the UK both in terms of therapy and organisational intervention.
He is currently in semi-retirement as a trainer and coach. He lives in Totnes, Devon and is regularly invited to give seminars in Norway and Spain.
Malcolm Parlett has always worked steadfastly to create the optimum conditions for the creativity and curiosity of each of his students and trainees to flourish.
He is particularly famous for his 1991 article "Reflections on Field Theory" ((British Gestalt Journal, Vol1/2) which put field theory back at the heart of gestalt theoretical thinking.
His concern for a better world was recently translated into the publication of his book: FUTURE SENSE: Five Explorations of Whole Intelligence for a World That’s Waking Up, Troubador, 2015.