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Institut de Développement du Thérapeute
Contemporary Relational Gestalt Therapy — Advanced training


Ethics and deontology

All IDeT trainers and holders of the Relational Gestalt Therapy certificate issued by IDeT undertake to practise in accordance with the codes of ethics of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT) and the Federation of Gestalt Therapy Professionals (FPGT).
These two codes are compatible and complementary.

You can obtain the full text on the following website
European Association of Gestalt Therapy (EAGT)]
IDeT adheres to both codes.

Complaints procedure

In the event of ethical difficulties or a complaint, IDeT implements the process below in accordance with the requirements of the bodies with which it is affiliated.

1 - The individual is invited to request a meeting with IDeT’s management to inform them of their difficulties.

2 - Solutions are sought to deal with difficulties and complaints.

3 - If no solution is found: a mediator helps the complainant, organises a mediation meeting or refers the complainant to external professional or legal bodies (FPGT, EAGT, courts, etc.). Within 48 hours of the mediation, the mediator will send IDeT’s management a written report summarising the discussions and the recommendations made.

4- If no amicable agreement is reached, the complainant may refer the matter free of charge to the consumer ombudsman to which IDeT belongs, i.e. the Association of European Ombudsmen (AME CONSO), within one year of the written complaint being sent to IDET.

Referral to the consumer mediator must be made to AME CONSO.
either by completing the form provided for this purpose on the AME CONSO website: www.mediationconso-ame.com
or by post addressed to AME CONSO, 11 Place Dauphine - 75001 PARIS.


Growing up as a therapist at IDeT

A humanistic and relational posture


Every human being is unique. At IDeT we believe that the art of the psychotherapist consists in taking into account this essential uniqueness.
In order to talk about his experiences and feelings the patient must feel comfortable, supported and safe. He or she must be assured of the therapist’s real interest in him or her, of his or her involvement in helping the patient achieve his or her goals and feel truly understood.

Consistently and repeatedly, research shows that the relationship between therapist and patient is the factor that best predicts therapeutic success. This relationship is complex because it involves the issues that constitute the patient’s problems.
In other words, the most effective therapists are those who are most sensitive to the patient’s relational issues and the emotional dynamics they generate.
It is to support the therapist in the multiple facets of this relational practice that IDeT develops clinical development modules underpinned by the most recent research.

Rather than seeking support from a specific set of techniques, we advocate the adoption of an integrative approach in which therapists help patients achieve their goals, better understand what is distracting them and transform their problems so that they can live a more fulfilled and full life.

IDeT wants to be a place of exchange, mobilization and empowerment for the therapists who come to train there. It is a tool for the development of therapists and a crucible where the values of solidarity, respect and equality guide the construction of our modules.


A deliberate clinical orientation

An integrative clinical practice

At any stage of their professional career, therapists are questioned by the clinic. The creation of IDeT responds to the recurrent need to develop their skills.
Our training courses are intended for psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists and professionals in the field of helping relationships who wish to strengthen and deepen their clinical practice.

IDeT offers the therapist a space for individualized professional development.
The resources and interests of the participants are the driving force behind the development of the targeted professional skills. The entire support system (structure, pedagogy, content) is designed to answer the questions raised by the practice. It is built around the therapist’s person and aims to support his/her competence, confidence, freedom and creativity.

Based on numerous research works in psychotherapy, IDeT considers the therapist and the therapeutic relationship as the essential elements of the clinic and structures its training around three axes:

  • The anchoring, presence and impact of the therapist’s person
  • Theoretical benchmarks for thinking about the situation and therapeutic processes
  • Putting into practice the handling of the therapeutic relationship

    Alongside the acquisition of new knowledge, it is essential to engage and support the therapist in a movement of deepening his or her own sensitivity.


The Challenge of Continuing Education for Psychotherapists

The continuing education of psychotherapists has a special character due to the nature of their practice.
Indeed, the psychotherapist is in contact with his patient, a singular human being with an often complex history. It is up to him or her to welcome and understand this being in all its uniqueness, even though, in this encounter, each of the protagonists affects and is affected by the other. The therapist is never neutral.

If it is important to extend one’s knowledge on the pathology, the etiology, the possible treatments, one must however realize that in situation, the therapist’s explicit, discursive and cognitive knowledge is insufficient. In fact, in order to better understand his patient in his singularity and to be able to better dispose and adjust to him, the therapist constantly needs to better identify the affects he is experiencing and which are at any time at stake in the therapeutic relationship.

It is therefore fundamental to engage and support the therapist in the deepening of his reflexive awareness which constitutes the base of relational know-how specific to his profession. This implies training devices which favour the deepening of the therapist’s own sensitivity in relation, the development of the capacity to question himself and the attentional mobility.

The answer proposed by IDeT

Developping the skills that are at the heart of successful therapy

It is this particular challenge that we seek to address.
We therefore offer training whose entire system contributes to this practical objective. This is true both in the content of each module and in the way it is made available to participants.

Offered in a secure environment, our modules are elaborated in taking into account the specific questions and resources of the participants. The objective is to promote assimilation adjusted to their needs (self-training) and the development of their own skills.

2017-2025 Institut de Développement du Thérapeute
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