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Institut de Développement du Thérapeute
Contemporary Relational Gestalt Therapy — Advanced training

Working Alliance

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Key factor in the success of a therapy

Best predictor of success

FACE TO FACE training! - Workshop abroad on request

The therapeutic alliance is in fact a question that arises in a singular way with each of our patients. It is also a transversal notion that concerns all therapeutic modalities.
Our seminar is based on a certain number of essential and common elements stemming from research in psychotherapy. These elements will be illustrated by clinical vignettes and experiential work.

Structure of the module
2 times 2 days OR 3 consecutive days / to be adjusted

Who is this training for?
This training is addressed to all therapists and students with a clinic for whom the relationship is central: Gestalt therapists and all humanist, existential and relational clinicians or students.


  • Getting concrete guidelines for your first sessions
  • Becoming aware of the three dimensions of the alliance
  • Detect and repair alliance ruptures
  • Use the main results of the research

Pedagogical means

  • Theoretical-clinical and experiential training in small groups
  • Clinical work based on real cases brought by the participants
  • Video illustrations
  • Learning through experience and observation (supervised practicums, didactic sequences, video), role playing and times of sharing

Our modules are built around taking into account the specific needs and resources of the participants, which encourages their self-training. They offer a safe environment, in a small group, rich in resources

Vincent Béja and Florence Belasco - Founders of IDeT - over 20 years experience


Florence and Vincent develop a unique perspective on the processes of change in psychotherapy.
Through their writings, their training institute and their commitment to research in humanistic psychotherapy within the international Gestalt community, they develop a relational vision of therapy that places the therapist’s affective resonances at the heart of the change process.
A training certificate may be issued at the end of this module. It will allow you to validate a number of training units that meet the criteria of the various professional organisations (EAP, EAGT...).

Updated 2024-05-03

2017-2025 Institut de Développement du Thérapeute
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