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Institut de Développement du Thérapeute
Contemporary Relational Gestalt Therapy — Advanced training

Guidelines for intervening in a field perspective

All the versions of this article: [English] [français]


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The therapist’s relational resonance as a guide to intervention

2 days Webinar: 7-8 juin 2021

Originally scheduled for May 11-12, 2020 this Master Class was initially rescheduled to June 7-8, 2021 before finally being changed to be held online due to Covid-19. All registrations for the May 2020 Master Class are automatically rescheduled for this June 7-8, 2021 webinar, unless explicitly withdrawn.

Gianni FRANCESETTI, Psychiatrist, gestalt therapist, international trainer and supervisor. Member of the NYIGT (New York Institute of Gestalt Therapy). President of IPsiG (International Institute for Gestalt Therapy and Psychopathology) and former president of EAGT (European Association of Gestalt Therapy).
He has edited or co-edited several books: Psychopathology in Gestalt Therapy ( 2013), Panic Attacks and Post Modernity ( 2009), Absence is the Bridge Between Us (2017).

Florence BELASCO Clinical psychologist, gestalt therapist, trainer and supervisor. Member of the EAGT research committee, member of the SPR (Society for Research in Psychotherapy) and of the SEPI (Society for the Exploration of Integration in Psychotherapy). 
Trained in several modalities, she is interested in the non-verbal aspects of the therapeutic relationship and develops an integrative posture based on the therapist’s resonance work. Co-founder of IDeT

Vincent BEJA Gestalt therapist, trainer and supervisor. Head of the EAGT research committee. Member of the NYIGT, member of the SPR (Society for Psychotherapy Research).
He has written more than thirty articles on Gestalt therapy in various French and foreign journals.
Co-founder of the IDeT.


The purpose of this webinar is to present and implement a methodology for therapeutic intervention from a field perspective. The theoretical-clinical perspectives promoted by Beja and Belasco at IDeT and by Francesetti provide a coherent framework for intervention. This online course will enable participants to identify - from their own situational experience - the issues of the therapeutic relationship and, simultaneously, to organize and guide their clinical interventions.

This webinar will help you become familiar with:

  • the specifics of intervention from a field perspective
  • its different phases
  • the type of resources to mobilize

Language: French


Entretien de Gianni Francesetti avec Florence Belasco paru sous le titre: "Perspective de la gestalt-thérapie sur la psychopathologie - Clinique des attaques de panique" dans Le Journal des psychologues - juillet-aoüt 2018.

Excerpts from the interview

Florence Belasco - Would you then describe and illustrate what the posture of the Gestalt therapist is, since he does not treat symptoms directly, nor does he have an intrapsychic vision of the client’s problem?

Gianni Francesetti - The Gestalt therapist is above all in a posture of curiosity and openness, without preconceived ideas and oriented towards the discovery of the meaning of what is happening. Everything that happens can be interesting. But this requires paying full attention to it and being able to stay long enough in this openness.
The risk for the therapist is to be caught in the field that is actualized, to play the same game: I can be depressed with a depressed person or be reactive to it, I can feel alone with someone who has panic attacks or react to it, I can feel little considered in a narcissistic field, suffer it or react to it... but all this is not therapy. To do therapy is to recognize what is happening, not to identify totally in this field while having the possibility to live in it, and to remain as much as possible present anyway.
The essence of the posture is to really consider that what is happening is co-created. And the crucible of the therapy consists in changing what I am creating with the patient and not in changing him, in being less depressed when he is depressed, less alone with him when he has panic attacks, less narcissistic etc...

Registration Form

Practical Information

  • Date :7 & 8 of june 2021
  • horaires: 9h30-11h30 // 12h-13h30 // 14h30-16h // 16h30-18h (CET)
  • Online Webinar
  • Price: 390€

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